Wine glasses
1 I never saw a Bowery Wino drink from a glassOn Sat, 21 Sep 2019
10:43:14 -0600, graham > wrote:
>On 2019-09-21 10:10 a.m., A Moose in Love wrote:
>> I don't drink much wine. And when I do, I do not want a wine glass with a big ole' stem on it. I much prefer a nice tumbler, a tumbler does not tip over easily, and is still a good glass. No stems please!
>Why not save yourself the trouble and drink straight from the bottle!
Like a Wino. I never saw a Bowery Wino drinking from a wine glass.
They all swig their muscatel from a pint bottle, wrapped in a brown
paper bag so no one can tell they are drinking wine... not that one
can't recognize the aroma from 30 paces.