dem beans dem beans dem "baked" beans ...
Bruce wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 18:07:18 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
> wrote:
>>In article >, Bruce
> wrote:
>>> Yes, if you put the mentality of a big corporation into a human, you
>>> get a psychopath.
>>Or a politician. Trust no-one. The truth is out there.
> Yes, politicians are like prostitutes, but they're less honest about
> it.
what would you think of a government/legislature/executive
parts which are staffed by people randomly selected from the
population? no campaigns ever, just random selection and then
vetted to make sure they can do the job properly. after X
number of years there is a vote to keep them or not and that
is all that is done. if they are voted out then the random
selection is applied again, they are vetted, etc (every X years
or until they choose to retire).