On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 3:15:24 PM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> Jill, stop being so ****ing ignorant... everywhere in the US has local
> dairy farms... people don't shop at the dairies, the dairies deliver
> to stores... perishable dairy products are trucked no more than 50
> miles, typically 25 miles or less. Are you so stupid to think that
> the milk where you shop is flown in from Hawaii... it's trucked maybe
> 25 miles to the store where you shop. There are lots of dairies close
> to where you live, DOZENS! If anyone knows about udders it's me,
> there are several dairy farms within a short walk from my front door.
> Cows are milked every day and their milk is trucked to a nearby dairy
> to be processed, from there to the nearby markets. HTF do you think
> dairy products get to where you shop, via ET saucers? Dairy farms are
> the most basic farms there are... I'm not the only one attracted to
> huge udders. Truth is most dairy farms are owned by big bosomed
> females... women love milking cows, goats, and sheep.
The Hawaiians love to add milk to their poi so milk production is of vital importance on this rock. Unfortunately, there's only a couple of dairy farms in the state so we rely heavily on the ones that are still around.