On Sun, 29 Sep 2019 00:41:02 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 20:53:37 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/nut...id=mailsignout
>> or
>> https://tinyurl.com/y3anm46y
>I'm asserting that even "Gluten Sensitivity" doesn't really exist
>except in the same proportion of actual Celiacs (without actual
>Celiac disease)
Well considering that I do have a gluten sensitivity then I would say
you are incorrect. Also the fact that Wheat is NOT a plant that is
supposed to be eaten then I would also say that your dissertation is
>"Most people don’t actually need to avoid gluten
>As popular as the gluten-free diet has become, it actually may not
>be necessary for most people, at least according to a 2015 study
>published in the journal Digestion, which found that 86% of those
>who thought they had gluten sensitivity could in fact tolerate it,
>and didn’t notice any changes with a gluten-free diet."
The gluten free diet has been around for over 5 years I think we are
past the "fad stage"
>I think even the 14% is overstated - a fluke of the study. 14%
>psyschosomatically willed their symptoms. Or outright lied about
It is real real hard to lie when you have and skin problems all of
your life then you go gluten free and it all goes away. Every single
medication, soap, cream, or lotion that you have used has done nothing
at all and then you go gluten free and it just goes away?? Then to top
it all of you eat something that has been cross contaminated with
gluten and all your skin problems reappear for a few days...
People that have no earthly idea what they are even talking about
really should not talk, ever.
____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____