On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 06:08:00 +1000, Bruce >
>On Sun, 29 Sep 2019 14:58:11 -0500,
>>On Sun, 29 Sep 2019 00:41:02 -0500, Sqwertz >
>>>On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 20:53:37 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/nut...id=mailsignout
>>>> or
>>>> https://tinyurl.com/y3anm46y
>>>I'm asserting that even "Gluten Sensitivity" doesn't really exist
>>>except in the same proportion of actual Celiacs (without actual
>>>Celiac disease)
>>Well considering that I do have a gluten sensitivity then I would say
>>you are incorrect. Also the fact that Wheat is NOT a plant that is
>>supposed to be eaten then I would also say that your dissertation is
>Wheat's not supposed to be eaten? I've never had a bad reaction to
>bread yet.
If you look at how plants spread their seeds to propagate the species
you may understand. Fruits place the seeds inside the fruit so they
will be eaten and later pooped out at a different place and that is
how the plant reproduces. Plants like wheat barley and rye simply drop
their seeds directly down and have no outer protective coating. What
they do have it proteins inside them that deter things from eating
them so that the seeds will fall or be carried a short distance with
the wind and then take root that way. Some of these proteins,
for instance gluten, are bad for the gut and cause problems. Since
wheat has been around so long and it is so easy to grow and distribute
humans have been able to evolve to where the gluten is tolerated. But
every human has the chance to have problems with gluten or at least
have children or grandchildren that will have a problem with gluten
and/or other proteins in foods.
____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____