"The Secret to Better Baked Potatoes? Cook Them Like the BritishDo."
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 12:40:24 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> > That's the general consensus around here. Bake potatoes when the oven is going
> > to be fired up for a long time cooking something else.
> General consensus, perhaps. I fire up the oven whenever I want a baked
> potato, regardless of what else is happening in the kitchen.
> Happily, I usually want them only in the winter, when the "waste" heat
> from the oven offsets the furnace.
Waste heat in oven is a good thing on cold winter days. Luckily
for me, I prefer potatoes microwaved, then chopped. No residual
heat here.