Stuffed green peppers
On Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:18:58 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> KenK wrote:
> >
> > Recently got the urge for some and got a Stouffer package of them. Good but
> > rather expensive. Next time will make my own. Any tips?
> No real tips but I did spot the Stouffer ones last week and
> as you said, a bit expensive.
> Easy to make. Look up a few recipes then pick and choose
> your ingredients. Takes a bit of time to make 4 but well
> worth the effort.
> My tip? I do parboil the empty peppers first. Just 5 minutes
> in boiling water then fill. Pick large green peppers.
> The filling is simple. Basics are -
> - cooked ground beef with onion (worcestershire sauce too)
> - rice
> - tomato sauce (all in this mix, not some poured on top)
> - bit of garlic, salt and pepper
> - topped with mozz cheese then baked for a bit
Ground beef solo is good as far as the meat component goes. I also like them with a mix of beef and pork, or just pork.