Our Kitchen is a MESS!!
John Kuthe wrote:
> On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 12:42:17 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> > On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 11:59:14 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
> > >
> > > When *I* was a 20-year old, *I* cleaned up after myself! Still do too!
> > >
> > > John Kuthe...
> > >
> > Evidently you didn't make the rules clear to the guys boarding at your house.
> > Mom probably did all this stuff for them and think that dishes and cooking
> > areas somehow get magically cleaned without them lifting a finger.
> It is NOT a BOARDING HOUSE, it is a Shared International Student Living house! We Share THIS HOUSE!! We all LIVE in this house, and share the expenses of living IN a house very close to UMSL. 5min walk to UMSL main campus, 5min walk to the South UMSL Metrolink station, and a 5min drive to/from the STL International Airport.
> We are HOUSEMATES, not Roommates!
No, you run a dirty and sleezy BOARDING HOUSE...
In my university town these sorts of dwellings are long - banned, as they are considered S-L-U-M-S...life has moved on from the 1930's - 60's era of "shared student living" aka "boarding houses"...
Your students (and Y-O-U) are obviously poverty - stricken as they can afford no better, even in a CHEEP rental market such as STL...
Your foetid dump would not pass a health/occupancy inspection by the standards of where I live...