Our Kitchen is a MESS!!
Bruce wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Oct 2019 14:25:55 -0700 (PDT), "
> > wrote:
>> On Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 3:22:16 PM UTC-5, GM wrote:
>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>> It is NOT a BOARDING HOUSE, it is a Shared International Student Living house! We Share THIS HOUSE!! We all LIVE in this house, and share the expenses of living IN a house very close to UMSL. 5min walk to UMSL main campus, 5min walk to the South UMSL Metrolink station, and a 5min drive to/from the STL International Airport.
>>>> We are HOUSEMATES, not Roommates!
>>> No, you run a dirty and sleezy BOARDING HOUSE...
>>> In my university town these sorts of dwellings are long - banned, as they are considered S-L-U-M-S...life has moved on from the 1930's - 60's era of "shared student living" aka "boarding houses"...
>>> Your students (and Y-O-U) are obviously poverty - stricken as they can afford no better, even in a CHEEP rental market such as STL...
>>> Your foetid dump would not pass a health/occupancy inspection by the standards of where I live...
>>> --
>>> Best
>>> Greg
>> BRAVO! We have a lot of 'rent by the day,' 'by the week,' and 'by the
>> month' places here and you can imagine what they look like.
> I guess you're more into rent by the half hour?
Well, druce, if you lock your lips any tighter around kuth's
protruding rectum, he won't be able to shit any more. And then you
will starve.