Chef claims "ethnic" food aisles in supermarkets are "racist."
On Tue, 08 Oct 2019 10:42:27 +0700, Jeßus > wrote:
>On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 23:30:03 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On 10/7/2019 4:12 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 13:53:19 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> A solution to this would be an government approved RFID implanted chip
>>> embedded into each person's (apologies if that term is specist) hand
>>> (again, apologies to those with limb loss or congenital limb defects)
>>> containing DNA information. Those with say, 85% Italian DNA could be
>>> approved to dine at an Italian restaurant. This would be an effective
>>> way to combat gastronomical cultural appropriation.
>>>> I'm going to order the Non-Regional Fried Chicken.
>>> Your poultural speciesism is appalling, and is triggering my anxiety.
>>> People like you should be publicly bullied on Twitter.
>>I'll have the avian protein then. Cooked by a non fossil fuel method
>>such as a solar oven or volcanic eruption. .
>That's much better virtue-signaling!
We know you've learnt a new term, Jebus.