dsi1 wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 7:45:36 AM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
> > dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > > On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 9:28:49 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Somebody must, or the grocery stores wouldn't stock it.
> > > >
> > > > Cindy Hamilton
> > >
> > > I understand how it works, I'd just like to see photos of the
> > > kind of people that buys La Choy. I just can't imagine what that
> > > would be like.
> >
> > Hehehe, it's not actually that horrible, at least in the 60s/70s
> > when I was a kid. Mom would get it sometimes. Keep in mind Mom
> > was a lovely person but never a cook. I didn't get it on my own
> > until a brief time when living in Japan where meat prices can be
> > astronomical. I found one in the cabinets as we were clearing out
> > to leave. I see I added Bok Choy, Sesame Oil, a little patis (real
> > one, made from fish), and shemenji. It's in my recipe database
> > from then.
> Actually, I did have a picture in my mind of what they would be like
> and it would be the worst people anyone could imagine. Of course, the
> reality would be that they were just ordinary people of the 60's and
> 70's. I should get a can of that stuff just to experience it. Perhaps
> I can work my way up by getting one of those chop suey TV dinners
> first.
I'll start that it's not haute cuisine and if you compare it to regular
restaruant food, won't stack up well.
It's kinda like a full on burger with all the fixings, and a McDonalds
regular cheeseburger..... Both are edible but not in the same class.