cshenk wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> > Nothing fancy; pure comfort food. Mince & mashed potatoes. Steamed
> > broccoli florets on the side. No pics so I guess it never happened.
> >
Probably didn't, Jill
> Can of cream of mushroom soup.
You're brave saying that here, cshenk, especially to Jill.
Anytime I mention using that I hear criticisms from all
the food snobs here. Jill usually leads the pack.
> Got a stomach flu (it's actually a
> virus they say) and was down hard yesterday and recovering today. Had
> chicken noodle for lunch.
Hopefully that wasn't canned chicken noodle soup. <gasp>
It's been said that a 24-hour stomach flu is often a
case of mild food poisoning. Just what I've heard.
Hope you feel better today though..