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The Cook
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(Derek Lyons) wrote:

>The Cook > wrote:
>>We spent a couple of months looking at houses and I do no remember any
>>of them that had any quantity of bookcases.

>Hardly surprising. Bookcases have rarely been built into houses as
>they completely deny the use of that wall for other purposes. (I.E.
>this isn't a new thing, but goes back decades or centuries.) As a
>general rule of thumb, if you do find a house with a large amount of
>built in bookcases, it's a custom build or remodel.

I was not referring to only built-in bookcases. There were few if any
books in the houses.

The house I described was built in 1950 by the owner of a lumber yard.
The garage was also paneled in walnut.

Susan N.

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who do not.