Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 9:40:26 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > We've simply used up the stock left from our last turkey and
> > it's time to make more.
> IMO, turkey stock is the strongest and the best.
> I can get about 14 quarts of a strong, gelled
> turkey stock just from an 18-20lb turkey carcass.
I don't really measure how much stock we get. I reduce it down
until it's about like the original pan drippings. It yields
maybe a gallon, which we then pour into a large ziploc and
freeze flat.
We'll freeze some of the dark meat (what remains after several
meals of leftovers) for my husband. Other than that, I don't
have any use leftovers. I dislike the taste of reheated meat
(unless it has a strong sauce on it like barbecue sauce) and
cooked turkey breast meat in particular takes on a peculiar
spongy texture after defrosting. I'm just as happy to donate
most of the leftover breast meat to the stockpot.
Cindy Hamilton