Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
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Posts: 23,520
Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
> a 1/2 cup of ketchup on
> *EVERYTHING* IS TIAD!!! With that much ketchup on meat loaf it may as
> well be made of Ken-L-Ration. I shappen to like Heinz red but only in
> some instances, perhaps a small schmear on a slice of meat loaf but
> NOT half a cup. Perhaps Canucks have no concept of what's half a cup.
Very tiad back to you, Sheldon. A meatloaf benefits from some
ketchup covering the top *before it's cooked*.
The cooking changes the taste and it's a primo topping.
You might put a schmear on a slice? Now THAT's TIAD. No raw
ketchup on meatloaf ever.
Whenever I make a meatloaf (any size), I always top it with
just as much ketchup as it will hold. Good eats after the
baking and carmelizing.
And don't ever compare that to Ken-L-Ration. I've tried it
and although it smells so good, the taste is bad. Used to
feed my collie that every day. Smelled very good so one
day I tasted a nip. Odd how something that smells so good
could taste so bad.
Randy, waiting for his dinner, actually growled at me when he
saw me tasting a nip. lol
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