Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > We've simply used up the stock left from our last turkey and
> > it's time to make more.
> IMO, turkey stock is the strongest and the best.
> I can get about 14 quarts of a strong, gelled
> turkey stock just from an 18-20lb turkey carcass.
Humm, I get about 6 quarts (4 quarts to a gallon). Thats 2 8-10 lb
This may well be a memory for us here. It makes little sense to make a
turkey now with just Don and me.
Charlotte leaves for Navy bootcamp Tuesday. Yes, she swims now and
runs a 1.5 mile at a 17 minutes seconds with ease. She's had no group
to run with so my bet is with others, she will be faster.