On Sun, 3 Nov 2019 20:51:33 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 11/3/2019 5:47 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Lately I've been seeing ads on TV for Delta brand kitchen faucets that
>> you talk to using your Alexa device:
>> https://www.deltafaucet.com/VoiceIQ
>> A quick ad on Youtube:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdKgJQQC7Pw
>> I've given this some thought.Â* I simply cannot imagine a scenario where
>> I'd need to tell the kitchen faucet to turn on and off by itself from
>> across the room.Â* A "feature", apparently, is you can tell it to
>> dispense a specific amount of water.Â* "Alexa, tell Delta faucet to
>> dispense 1 cup."Â* Problem with that is you already have to have the
>> recepticle (measuring cup, dog bowl, etc.) in the sink under the faucet.
>> Â*I don't see this voice activated thing as a time saving feature.Â* If I
>> have to walk to the kitchen sink to put a measuring cup under the
>> faucet, surely I could just turn it on and fill the cup while I'm
>> standing there.
>> Your thoughts?
>> Jill
>Wow, talk about overuse of technology. Maybe once or twice a year the
>ability to measure a cup would be handy instead of getting a measure but
>I really don't want to talk to my faucets.
>I boiled some potatoes tonight. I put the pot in the sink under the
>faucet. When I thought there was enough water I just pushed the lever
>to turn it off. Would take more effort to use a voice command.
>Yeah, some people just have to have everything automated. I do have the
>living room light go on and off though.
We don't have that. We also don't have bum warmers or towel warmers.
You're such a technology junkie.