On Mon, 04 Nov 2019 cshenk wrote:
>Personally I am interested in trying something new to us. They are
>simply pretty pricey here so have not tried it yet.
I really don't think goose is worth the price, they are greasy and
there's a lot of waste. A lot of people don't like eating roast goose
for the same reason they don't like roast duck, there's a lot of fat
to contend with and they can be gamey so require potent seasoning.
For something different I can highly recommend a fresh ham... and if
you don't need to feed many people a half ham works well... I prefer
the butt half, it's easier to carve and I find it tastier than the
shank half. There are many ways to prepare fresh ham, it cn be boned,
butterflied and stuffed. the fresh ham bone hakes a fabulous stock. A
fresh ham is the king of roasts, I think far better than a beef rib
roast. And a fresh ham won't set you back a mortgage payment,
shouldn't run any more per pound than pork chops. However just like
goose you'll probably need to order fresh ham in advance as most
markets don't stock them, if no one buys it its shelf life is short
and if frozen can't be sold as fresh meat. However once cooked fresh
ham freezes well, but I'll guarantee you won't have left overs, it
disappears quicker than roast turkey.