Having an all electric car, I CHOSE to drive it down to the localgrocers to get myself Romaine lettuce...
Hank Rogers wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 10:14:29 PM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> ...for my Asiago Cheese Bagel ham sandwich, and my Indian housemate
>>> was busy cooking as I was leaving and asked me to get him some
>>> lemons and tomatoes and after I got back with all the food stuffs I
>>> made and ate my sandwich (YUM) and then my housemate had just
>>> finished making some Fish Biryani and he gave me a sample! Double YUM!!
>>> I DO lead a charmed life many times and all I have to do is keep
>>> good karma!
>>> And take my meds! :-)
>> Having a standard gas-guzzler, I choose to drive to the bakery for a
>> loaf
>> of bread.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> Yes. I drove my dodge ram to the store today. Bought a carton of beer.
> Burned gas too. That makes me happy.
At least you didn't drive it *into* the store!!!!!