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A Moose In Love A Moose In Love is offline
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Default Healthy and not so healthy fats for deep frying

On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 12:02:45 PM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> > Some years go I bought a small fryer. We used it a few times and it
> > works well, but it is also a PITA to use. If used on a daily basis
> > fine, but to do one batch of fries you have to fill the oil, then clean
> > it up and either store or waste the oil. Made some good fish & chips
> > though.

> A friend gave me a Christmas gift - an electric deep fryer. It
> was large though and more than I needed. I used it once but then
> cleaned it up and never again. Would have been nice for a large
> family that used it often.
> I use a small sauce pan....maybe 1.5 quart for my small amounts.
> Note: when cooking fries and vegetables, no need to clean up the
> pan. Just put a lid on once it cools a bit and reuse it for the
> week. It lasts just fine. Oil does not go bad in such a
> short time. I've even done that for a few weeks with no
> problem.
> If there is some debris on the bottom, like from battered
> vegetables, just pour the oil off into a jar, wipe out the
> debris, then pour the oil back in.
> Only time I change oil is after cooking meat, especially
> the clams and oysters. This is why, I cook those things near
> the end of my week or so.

You can also filter the oil. I remember using some type of paper filter when filtering the oil every night at work. Whenever I made lots of schnitzels, I shallow fried them in a combo of oil and butter(not clafified). Every couple of batches, I'd run the fat through a fine sieve.