Milk bankruptcy
On 2019-11-13 10:52 a.m., graham wrote:
> On 2019-11-13 4:10 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> I don't care for cultured butter.Â* It always tasted spoiled.Â* I was
>> raised
>> on sweet butter, and that's pretty much it for me.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> I remember my first taste of yoghurt and thought it was vile. I now have
> more than a kilo of the stuff in the fridge.
It takes a bit of getting used to. I still can't eat it straight. If I
have regular yogurt I put some fruit or a little honey on it. My wife
keeps buying vanilla yogurt. I usually only eat it because it's there.
Then when it is finally used up she goes out and gets more for me.
I have to admit that I once had a very pleasant yogurt experience. It
was the first almost solid meal I had after heart surgery. They had
brought me some low fat, no sugar yogurt. It was soft and cool and
required no effort to chew.