Milk bankruptcy
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Milk bankruptcy
On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 08:59:16 -0700, graham > wrote:
>On 2019-11-13 8:49 a.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2019-11-13 8:07 a.m.,
>>> On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 19:46:01 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>>> They'll eventually blame the Canadian dairy lobby.
>>> Since Trump would not agree that we could maintain our dairy system as
>>> it had always been run, I now will not buy a dairy product that does
>>> not have a Canadian dairy symbol on it.* I don't know why he thinks he
>>> has the right to change our system!!
>> The Canadian system is designed to match production to demand in order
>> to maintain a viable dairy industry.* The US non system is aimed a
>> producing as much as possible.* That results in an unstable market where
>> the price often drops to the point where farmers can no longer afford to
>> feed and care for their herds properly.* Trump wanted us to drop tariffs
>> on American milk so that they can dump their excess product here. That
>> will destabilize our milk industry.
>Furthermore, Canada doesn't allow the cows to be fed hormones to
>increase milk production.
Yes, that too. I see they are worried in the UK that if Boris has his
way and combines with the USA then they will have to eat chicken that
is cholorinated
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