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In article . net>,
"Gregory Morrow" >

> 1. If I had kids I sure wouldn't take them out to a restaurant so they
> could play with coloring books. That kind of thing belongs in the school or
> the home or in the back of the minivan - *not* a restaurant.
> 2. It's a certified fact that families with kids are the absolute *worst*
> tippers. They'll run yer ass off and demand just everything and you'll be
> lucky to get 5% *if that* in a tip. These types should be confined to wild
> life reservations and not allowed in regular restaurants.

I'm certainly no fan of the little darlings in many restaurants.
Certainly, there are ones where kids are appropriate--McDonald's,
Friendly's, family places like that. Waitpersons and other customers
should expect kids in those places--but I don't go there (and not just
because of the kids).

However, a waitress who gives kids a single crayon for almost-completed
coloring books, and crushes their Oreos... that's just mean.

Are you saying that good tippers become bad ones once they have children?

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