On 2019-11-16 8:18 a.m., A Moose in Love wrote:
> On Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 8:01:39 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>>> On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 07:02:20 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>>>> They have to kill the pig before skinning it.
>>> In order to make Angora sweaters, the Chinese skin rabbits alive. If
>>> you ever heard the screaming in those factories, you'd never buy one
>>> of these sweaters again.
>> Sounds like 'animal rights' alarmist BS to me.
>> Do you have a valid site to back that up?
> I decided to check it out, and there are sites that 'show' the brutality of RBSA. The following site states that 'some' rabbits are skinned while alive, they are hit first, but that doesn't always kill them.
> https://investigations.peta.org/chinese-fur-2/
Bruce claimed that the Chinese skin Angora rabbits alive. The PETA think
is about regular rabbits, the rabbits fur they use for sweaters.