A very sad cooking story
On 11/18/2019 2:48 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 10:32:59 -0500, Gary wrote:
>> So I bought a 37oz frozen pumpkin pie last Thursday.
>> Only $3.99. Nice desserts for a week. oh yeah
>> Saturday, I cooked it. Turned out nice and smelled great.
>> Right out of the oven, I wanted to clear the stovetop
>> to cook some ham, potatoes and onion hash.
>> So, while still very hot, I lifted it off the baking sheet
>> to move over to the counter to cool. Using pot holders on the
>> foil pan that it came in. It made it half way when the
>> cheap foil pan folded right in half and dumped out the
>> pie!!!
> You didn't RTFM. #5 (and #6) on the instructions:
> 5. Remove pie on cookie sheet from oven using oven mitts. Do not
> handle pie by edge of pan.
> 6. Cool for 2 hours or until pie reaches desired serving
> temperature. Pies are best when freshly baked.
> -sw
He's a man. Real men don't need no stinkin' instructions.