The hit at parties - also for carnivores - is my quick and simple noodle
500 g noodles (every type except spaghetti or maccaroni because of the
a 400 g tin of peas
a 400 g tin of tiny carrots
200 g mayonnaise
salt, pepper and vinegar to taste
Mix all ingredients well and enjoy!
What about a large plate with nicely decorated pieces of your special
Swedish crusty thin bread (or crackers)with vegetarian sandwich spread
and/or cheese (slices or cream cheese), decorated cornichons and other mixed
pickles, pieces of tomatoes, fresh cucumber slices, red peppers, raddish?
A large bowl of Greek salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, red or green peppers,
olives, onions, feta cubes, salt, pepper, olive oil (no or only a little bit
of vinegar or fresh lemon juice)
Arabic salad "Tabouleh": Bulgur (couscous), boiled in vegetable broth and
chilled, with tiny cubes of tomatoes, cucumbers, red/green peppers, onions,
finely chopped fresh peppermint leaves, salt, pepper, olive oil, fresh lemon
It is the compassion with all creatures
that only makes humans really human. (Albert Schweitzer)
A day will come on which men will look upon an animal's murder
the same way they look today upon a man's murder. (Leonardo da Vinci)