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Dave[_48_] Dave[_48_] is offline
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Default Pan size for spatchcock turkey

On 11/21/19 1:03 PM, wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 00:36:49 -0500, Dave >
> wrote:
>> Anyone with experience know what size of pan will be required for a
>> 12-pound turkey? We have a large roaster (17"x13") and rack for it.
>> Big enough?

> Should be more than adequate. I'll be using a 10" X 15" pan for an 11
> pounder. What's important is that's it's a sturdy pan, not one of
> those super silly flimsy aluminum disposables,,, I use a heavy
> Farberware SS pan with an adjustable steel "V" rack. I have larger
> roasting pans but they would take up too much oven space for roasting
> a turkey, they are also deeper so are better suited for caseroles like
> a giant lasagna... the larger the pan the poorer the oven can
> circulate even heat. The turkey is placed on the bottom rack, the
> very top rack is for a foil covered shallow pan for roasting sweet
> potatoes in their jackets,,, sweet potatoes ooze sugar, the foil makes
> clean up easy. Once the turkey is shy an hour of being done it will
> share it's shelf with a large pan of kasha varnishkas, all cooked the
> day before but needs reheating from the fridge.
> I never buy those flimsy disposable aluminum pans... a terrible
> accident waiting to happen... in fact I don't call that an accident, I
> say it's an on-purpose disaster... when sturdy roasting pans are on
> sale buy two, they nest for storage.
> I know with absolute certainty that someone will forget so everyone
> right now leave a big note on the kitchen counter to place your frozen
> turkey in the fridge on the morning of the 23rd... even set an alarm
> the night prior.

Love your insight and plans! Thanks for the info. I also have a HD
roaster with handles and a HD rack. I did a spatchcocked chicken two
weeks ago (4.5 pounds) and it was great. Turkey's are a little more
difficult to cut, handle, etc. But, I can't wait to dig into a really
great turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving!
