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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Pan size for spatchcock turkey

On 2019-11-24 10:54 a.m., wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 Leo wrote:

>> €œAs God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.€

> Actually wild turkeys can fly but only short distances... each evening
> at dusk they fly straight up about 20' to lower tree branches where
> they spend the night... each morning at dawn they fly down.

True. They sure don't migrate, but they do sometimes take wing, and not
just when something is chasing them or at bed time. When I was working I
had two near misses within a week. The first one was while driving a car
and cresting a hill. The turkey took off from the side of a steep rise
next to the road, went up a little and then dropped a bit. If I had not
veered it would have struck my windshield. The next one, about a week
later, I was driving a van on a flat stretch of road. He popped up out
of the ditch taking off at about a 60 degree angle and I just missed him.

They like
> to spend nights in the large Norway spruce trees that line my forest
> path. The turkeys one typically buys from markets can't fly, they are
> bred to have enormaus Hollywood breasts

One time I was walking the dogs in the woods and they spooked a flock of
turkeys. The birds took off in different directions. One landed in the
tree I was standing beside.