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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Pan size for spatchcock turkey

On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:09:36 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>Bruce wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:24:03 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>> >Bruce wrote:
>> >> Oh, you must have that party coming up where you celebrate the new
>> >> country by killing its native bird.
>> >
>> >Killing a turkey is bad. Killing a fish is fine. Right?

>> Not killing fish either is even better. I may become a vegetarian. Or
>> a vegan, so y'all will hate me even more because I'm morally superior

>Bruce, if you go vegetarian or vegan so as not to kill any
>animals, I will respect your beliefs and say no more.
>That's a noble cause. My only problem with you is your
>constantly preaching about only certain animals but not all.
>That just labels you as a hypocrite, imo.

No, it means I'm halfway there. You haven't even started.

>> But why do we always go in circles? Do you want to
>> discuss the feral dogs again, by any chance?

>Only if you care to. I dropped it.
>You know my opinion. If you kill it, eat it.
>Don't ever kill a living creature just because it annoys you.

Just imagine: what if in 50 years there would be no more kangaroos,
wombats, koalas, etc in Australia. Just feral dogs. Should we prevent
that, knowing that we introduced those dogs?