On Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 10:42:33 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2019-11-28 7:40 p.m., songbird wrote:
> > Dave Smith wrote:
> > ...
> >> We had no turkeys here until the mid 1980s. The province of Ontario and
> >> state of Michigan traded some moose for some turkeys. Apparently the
> >> moose are doing fine in their new home and our turkey population
> >> expanded so much that within a few years they opened up a turkey hunting
> >> season.
> >
> >
thank you for the mooses! i still have yet
> > to see one in the wild myself (even after living in
> > the UP of MI for 15 yrs and also driving around
> > Lake Superior and trying to see them we still never
> > quite managed it. i came close one evening but
> > failed...)
> You might consider yourself lucky that you have not seen one near the
> road. I had a real scare early one morning in Algonquin Park. He woke
> up early and it was pouring rain. We packed up our camping gear into my
> Honda Civic and hit the road by about 6 am. We came down a hill and
> around a corner and there was a bull moose standing right at the edge of
> the road.
I got charged by a moose while driving in Newfoundland. It ran right up to my car, and instead of ramming it, it just ran alongside it for a bit. About 1/2 hour before that I was stopped and ticketed for speeding by the Mounties. The guy told me to slow down, he said it may help if got charged by a moose. He mentioned that a friend of his was charged once, and the moose ended up getting it's head ripped off when it broke through the back window.
NL has a lot of moose.
> >
> >
> >> It's odd that I often see them in fields or by the road when I am
> >> driving, and I almost always see fresh tracks in the back fields and
> >> bush, but I almost never see them when I am walking back there.
> >
> > we have them here in the wild around us, a lot of them,
> > i'm glad to see them out in the fields. they rarely get
> > close to the yard here, but once in a while they might
> > wander through.
> >
> > do you have turkey vultures?
> That is another recent arrival. I first saw them when I started with my
> long time employer. I was driving truck for the stock department and
> my Wednesday route took me up the Grand River from Lake Erie up to
> Brantford. I used to see them quite regularly along the river. That a
> 42 years ago. Now I see them everywhere.
> We are also seeing the return of bald eagles and ospreys.