On 11/28/2019 7:40 PM, songbird wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> ...
>> We had no turkeys here until the mid 1980s. The province of Ontario and
>> state of Michigan traded some moose for some turkeys. Apparently the
>> moose are doing fine in their new home and our turkey population
>> expanded so much that within a few years they opened up a turkey hunting
>> season.
thank you for the mooses! i still have yet
> to see one in the wild myself (even after living in
> the UP of MI for 15 yrs and also driving around
> Lake Superior and trying to see them we still never
> quite managed it. i came close one evening but
> failed...)
>> It's odd that I often see them in fields or by the road when I am
>> driving, and I almost always see fresh tracks in the back fields and
>> bush, but I almost never see them when I am walking back there.
> we have them here in the wild around us, a lot of them,
> i'm glad to see them out in the fields. they rarely get
> close to the yard here, but once in a while they might
> wander through.
> do you have turkey vultures?
> songbird
We've got no wild turkeys (nor moose) way down south but we definitely
have turkey vultures.