Dinner Tonight (Has nothing to do with turkey)
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Dinner Tonight (Has nothing to do with turkey)
On 2019-12-05 3:30 p.m., Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2019-12-05 4:57 p.m.,
>> On Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 8:31:21 AM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> I always thought that grape jam and jelly are basically the same. I
>>> looked up a jam recipe and it talks about pureeing the skins. I don't
>>> dislike grape jam/jelly, but it is very low on my list of favourites.
>> Jelly is the juice of the fruit whereas jam is the juice and pulp.Â* It's
>> thicker and much easier spread than jellies.
> I was raised with home made jams and jellies and have made my share of
> them. I usually prefer the jam version,especially in the case of black
> currant. One jelly that I used to enjoy was crab apple.
I make crab-apple and redcurrant jellies every few years as well as
I always buy seedless raspberry jam though.
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