Strange recipes
On Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 3:38:39 PM UTC-6, jmcquown wrote:
> Yeah, the oomph probably would go out of SR flour after a while. As it
> is, I don't buy flour in large quantities. I store what I do have in
> the freezer. Keeps the bugs out. I've definitely never bought
> self-rising cornmeal. It's probably available, I just don't look for it.
> Jill
I only buy 2 pound bags of self-rising flour and it stays in one of those
Tupperware canisters that has the 'pleated' lid. I also only buy self-
rising cornmeal in 2 pound bags but it definitely stays in the freezer
as corn has a bit of fat and it will go kinda rancid.