Strange recipes
On 12/7/2019 2:20 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 12:47:08 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> On 12/7/2019 12:36 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> "Shoyu" is a term used for Japanese soy sauce. It's a term used in Japan and Hawaii. I don't believe that it's commonly used on the mainland. On this rock, it's a culturally important condiment that people are raised on and will typically be found on the table in restaurants.
>>> The most popular shoyu in Hawaii is Aloha Shoyu. It's mild taste makes it especially suitable for a table sauce. On the mainland, Aloha Shoyu is mostly put down by the foodies as being low class and crap. Most of these experts saying this have never tasted Aloha Shoyu. Mostly, they're simply repeating articles written by people who have never tasted the stuff either. That's okay with me. I'll go to the mainland and use whatever soy sauce they got going over there. When I get back to Hawaii, I get to use the real stuff.
>> Silver Swan is the best brand I've been able to find. Never saw Aloha
>> but will try it if I see it or I can get it from Amazon.
> Aloha is crap. You might like it.
How astute of you to know my taste. I appreciate that.