Strange recipes
On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 17:57:08 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2019-12-07 5:38 p.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 12/7/2019 2:53 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 14:15:24 -0500, Dave Smith
>>>> Yep. It was not just an attack on the US. That was just a side show to
>>>> their well coordinated invasions across the Pacific. The US had been
>>>> hassling the Japanese about their aggression on China and Mongolia and
>>>> tried to force them to stop by means of embargoes on steel andÂ* oil.
>>>> They thought the US lacked the will to actually fight and that they
>>>> could knock the war spirit out of the Americans by destroying their
>>>> Pacific fleet.Â* So we can celebrate Tora Tora Tora as the countdown to
>>>> Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
>>> Can you just stick to boring posts and not foray into disgusting ones?
>>> Those bombs on civilian populations were the 2nd biggest atrocity of
>>> WW2, after the Holocaust.
>> If that did not happen they estimate that a million lives would have
>> been lost, mostly Japanese.Â* They were not giving in until every last
>> person was gone.Â* No matter, you'd not accept anything about it.Â* You
>> are welcome to second guess decisions make in the 1940s.
>We may have to cut some slack for the Dutchman. They like to think of
>themselves as victims of the German aggression, but there were a lot
>more of his countrymen who joined the Nazis than the Resistance.
That, true or not, also doesn't justify throwing atomic bombs on
civilians. It's quite shocking that you 2 can't see that because of
your huge bias.