Thread: Strange recipes
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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Strange recipes

On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 5:28:25 PM UTC-10, nemo wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Dec 2019 12:01:38 -0800, dsi1 wrote:
> > On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 9:13:59 AM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> >> On 2019-12-07 1:42 p.m., dsi1 wrote:
> >>
> >> > My guess is that in around 20 years, "shoyu" will be completely
> >> > returned back to Japan. The kids these days have no problem with
> >> > saying "soy sauce." If you look at the Aloha Shoyu bottle it says
> >> > "Aloha Soy Sauce." If I'm on the mainland, I'd call it soy sauce. My
> >> > guess is that the future Hawaiians are going to call it "soy sauce."
> >> >
> >> >
> >> It looks to me like soya is just an anglo version of shoya and in this
> >> age of political correctness they may stop saying shoya because it
> >> might be seen as a form of cultural appropriation or perhaps as mocking
> >> a Japanese accent.
> >>
> >>
> >> > Speaking of Japan, today is Dec. 7th. Tora! Tora! Tora!
> >>
> >> Yep. It was not just an attack on the US. That was just a side show to
> >> their well coordinated invasions across the Pacific. The US had been
> >> hassling the Japanese about their aggression on China and Mongolia and
> >> tried to force them to stop by means of embargoes on steel and oil.
> >> They thought the US lacked the will to actually fight and that they
> >> could knock the war spirit out of the Americans by destroying their
> >> Pacific fleet. So we can celebrate Tora Tora Tora as the countdown to
> >> Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

> >
> > Oddly enough, the attack on Pearl Harbor was not the first attack on
> > American soil. It was the bombing and strafing of the Naval Air Station
> > Kaneohe Bay that occurred 8 minutes before the first wave of attacks on
> > Pearl. 20 people were killed there but most folks don't know about it.
> > Today, instead of death and destruction, we have peace and joy; the
> > Kaneohe Christmas parade is happening across the bay from the Kaneohe
> > base.

> I read "Day of Infamy" when I lived at Schofield Barracks in the mid 60s.
> I've forgotten most of the details but I seem to recall that Japanese
> planes came over Kole-Kole pass, strafed Schofield Barracks and then
> strafed and/or bombed Wheeler Air Field across the road. There was a
> plaque on the side of a small wooden building near where I lived that had
> been cut out in the center and placed over a hole in the building's wall.
> It said "First shot fired in the attack on Pearl Harbor". It was at least
> 15 minutes before Pearl Harbor was hit.

That's pretty historic. Thanks for the info. The roof on my son's school in Honolulu was set on fire from a bomb. Why did they bomb an elementary school? That was goofy. A bomb went off and killed a guy a couple of blocks away. Near as I can tell, the place was where a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant now stands. These days, the only bombs in the area are the gut bombs served at the burger joint.