On 2019-12-11 12:35 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
> On 12/10/2019 12:10 PM, Gary wrote:
>> GM wrote:
>>> John KutheÂ* wrote:
>>>> https://i.postimg.cc/Ss69yY5c/Almost-ground-out.jpg
>>>> :-( I BURNED IT ON, so I have to GRIND IT OUT!! With POWER TOOLS!
>>> What a *filthy* - looking mess...
>>> <shudder>
>> I forget what he burned. I would try soaking the pan in warm
>> soapy water with some bleach added overnight. That can really
>> soften many burned on things. Then attack it with a Brillo pad or
>> Ajax and a scrubby pad.
>> Cleaning with a drill and sandpaper sounds a bit overkill to me.
> He was trying to make "English" toffee without a candy thermometer,
> without constantly stirring it and with the heat too high.Â* So he burned
> some sugar.Â* Big whup.
> It doesn't take power tools to clean that pot.Â* Just a soak in very hot
> soapy water.Â* He's just whining for attention again.
> Funny how he loves everything electric yet he can't make toffee in a pot
> on an electric stove.Â* Heck, I grew up with nothing but electric stoves.
> Â*I've used them to make different types of candy many times in my life.
> Â*Nary a problem with scorched or burned sugar in a pan.Â* Ever.
> Or maybe he just wandered off somplace and forgot about what was on the
> stove.Â* So it burned.Â* Now he's trying to impress us with the fact he
> owns power tools. LOL
Kuthe should get his recipes from the Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book
for Children. When it comes to working around the stove or anything else
that is hot it advises them to get adult help.