Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2019-12-11 12:35 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>> On 12/10/2019 12:10 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> GM wrote:
>>>> John KutheÂ* wrote:
>>>>> https://i.postimg.cc/Ss69yY5c/Almost-ground-out.jpg
>>>>> :-( I BURNED IT ON, so I have to GRIND IT OUT!! With POWER TOOLS!
>>>> What a *filthy* - looking mess...
>>>> <shudder>
>>> I forget what he burned. I would try soaking the pan in warm
>>> soapy water with some bleach added overnight. That can really
>>> soften many burned on things. Then attack it with a Brillo pad or
>>> Ajax and a scrubby pad.
>>> Cleaning with a drill and sandpaper sounds a bit overkill to me.
>> He was trying to make "English" toffee without a candy
>> thermometer, without constantly stirring it and with the heat too
>> high.Â* So he burned some sugar.Â* Big whup.
>> It doesn't take power tools to clean that pot.Â* Just a soak in
>> very hot soapy water.Â* He's just whining for attention again.
>> Funny how he loves everything electric yet he can't make toffee in
>> a pot on an electric stove.Â* Heck, I grew up with nothing but
>> electric stoves. *Â*I've used them to make different types of
>> candy many times in my life. *Â*Nary a problem with scorched or
>> burned sugar in a pan.Â* Ever.
>> Or maybe he just wandered off somplace and forgot about what was
>> on the stove.Â* So it burned.Â* Now he's trying to impress us with
>> the fact he owns power tools. LOL
> Kuthe should get his recipes from the Better Homes and Gardens Cook
> Book for Children. When it comes to working around the stove or
> anything else that is hot it advises them to get adult help.
Or, if they are still made, one of those easy-bake ovens that used a
light bulb as the heat source.