John Kuthe wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 6:27:49 PM UTC-6, Alex wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> GM wrote:
>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>> :-( I BURNED IT ON, so I have to GRIND IT OUT!! With POWER TOOLS!
>>>> What a *filthy* - looking mess...
>>>> <shudder>
>>> I forget what he burned. I would try soaking the pan in warm
>>> soapy water with some bleach added overnight. That can really
>>> soften many burned on things. Then attack it with a Brillo pad or
>>> Ajax and a scrubby pad.
>>> Cleaning with a drill and sandpaper sounds a bit overkill to me.
>> I would buy a new pan.
> See my reply to Thomas! Old is often better!
> John Kuthe...
Perhaps, but old and ground down?