Cauliflower jackpot at trader joes
On Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:07:44 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2019-12-16 3:06 p.m., Sqwertz wrote:
>> Do you know who Aesop is - that guy that writes the fables?
>> BTW: Celiacs and people with true gluten or wheat allergies long for
>> those things. Only gullible, brainwashed people call gluten
>> "disgusting".
>My wife was raised on a celiac diet, but does't believe herself to be
>celiac. She can get away with small amounts of it. It can make her feel
>uncomfortable, but her greater concern is carbs. She has a nice body and
>works to keep it that way. My good friend's wife has decided to go
>gluten free. She is not celiac but has has some health related concerns
>about it that I just don't understand. It makes it difficult to get
>together for a meal. That is best done in restaurants and let the cook
>there worry about it.
Any person that has celiac or a gluten related issue will not eat at a
restaurant, even if they have gluten free food there. Perhaps if the
entire restaurant is gluten free then there is a small chance. If a
restaurant is not 100% gluten free there is ALWAYS a fairly large
chance for cross contamination.
I have not eaten in any restaurant in years for that very fact. I will
not ever eat in any restaurant or for that matter eat anyone else's
cooking other than my own. I will not even eat my own cooking if
someone else has chandelled my food.
____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____