Bouquet Garni
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Bouquet Garni
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(SportKite1) writes:
>Replying to my own post. Just chatted with the House Chef and he said that
>there are commercially produced Sachets (dried herbs and peppercorns
>in cheesecloth bundles) available at Gourmet Shops and online.
Prolly filled 2 years previously and with inferior product at that.
>As far as cheesecloth is concerned, which I forgot to address in my previous
>post....we can buy it at almost every local market this time of year due to
>former popularity (maybe people still do it) in covering turkeys while they
>roasted. I bet if you ask they will be able to help you find it.
Food grade cheese cloth is relatively expensive, often costs more than the
goesinto and is not reusable... whereas a large reusable stainless steel tea
infuser costs a couple-three bucks and will last a lifetime... I prefer the
mesh type to the perforated.
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