On 1/5/2020 12:36 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2020-01-05 10:14 a.m., Terry Coombs wrote:
>> Â*Â* A link for the doubters . I think they turned out just swell .
>> https://s991.photobucket.com/user/Sn...0folder?page=1
>> Â*Â*I may or may not post more food pics . Ya just never know with me ...
> They are perfect!
> Wish I could say the same for some fig/hazel nut/rye loaves or should
> I say "bricks" I baked last week. I followed the recipe carefully and
> although the crumb is fine, the crust is hard and tough. Next time
> I'll replace the rye with sieved whole wheat.
Â*Â* Thanks ! I baked some rye bread once , a couple of years ago . Saw
the second loaf in the freezer the other day and gave it to the birds .
It's certain that they enjoyed it much more than I would have .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !