Do you use a Keurig? Like it?
On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 14:17:48 -0600, Terry Coombs >
>On 1/9/2020 1:28 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 18:24:15 -0000 (UTC), Jinx the Minx
>> > wrote:
>>> jay > wrote:
>>>> On 1/9/20 9:41 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> On 2020-01-09 11:27 a.m., jay wrote:
>>>>>> On 1/8/20 3:55 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm kind of thinking about getting one.* Give me the pros and cons
>>>>>>> please.* I would probably use the My K-Cup filter approach.* How do
>>>>>>> you find the maintenance for the unit?
>>>>>>> I don't like Mr. Coffee or percolator type coffee and want to avoid
>>>>>>> something like that.
>>>>>>> So far, we are a pot of coffee in the morning family.* I think with
>>>>>>> the Keurig my husband would probably make coffee for himself more
>>>>>>> often.
>>>>>>> Are there places where you can get the pods more cheaply?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>>> 100% agreement on Mr. lousy Coffee.* I have several 30-60$ coffee
>>>>>> makers and MC is the worst of all.* If you look at the grounds 3/4
>>>>>> through the process they are not even all wet. The hot water delivery
>>>>>> process misses the bullseye so the extraction is not what it should be.
>>>>>> We have used Keurig many times traveling and at best it is OK.* Not
>>>>>> something you may want on a daily basis.
>>>>> IMO, even that might be generous. I think it tastes more like instant
>>>>> coffee than real, freshly made coffee.
>>>> Maybe so. I do know that there is a big difference in taste based on the
>>>> Kcup brand. One place we were staying had maybe 15 different brands and
>>>> various roasts and some were far better than others. Still not "real"
>>>> coffee.
>>> I think that may be true. DH likes one of the Starbucks k-cups so we mostly
>>> buy those, but we also have Guatemalan and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe pods at
>>> the moment that guests tend to gravitate to.
>>> The good thing is, most stores will take the Keurig back if you hate it,
>>> especially Costco. If you do get one, I’d recommend buying pods from coffee
>>> brands you love, not necessarily the cheaper variety boxes widely
>>> available. Otherwise, buying one of those separate refillable pods you can
>>> use your own fresh ground beans in.
>> I don't have a brand since I buy beans and grind them. It doesn't
>> sound like a Keurig is for me. Thx
> * Out of personal curiosity , what kind of beans are you using ? My
>current blend is 8 O'Clock , 50/50 mix (by weight) of their Colombian
>Peaks and their Dark Italian Espresso . I grind fresh for each pot ,
>medium/fine grind . Makes for a very rich but not bitter brew .I tried
>some Starbucks once , tasted burned ...As far as Jay's pot not getting
>the grounds wet , his tubes are probably badly scaled , which seriously
>slows water delivery .
I generally draw Columbian Supremo beans from the bin. I've never
bought beans pre-bagged. Years and years ago I used to mix a couple
different kinds but haven't done that in a great while. Every once
in a while Costco will have Starbucks beans on sale. Tried them once
and didn't see a need to try again. Our coffee gets ground
immediately before the hot water is poured on. Pour hot water to fill
the filter, let stand 30 seconds to wake up the beans and then pour
the rest of the hot water into the filter. The coffee is consumed
within the half hour.
Janet US