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Default Do you use a Keurig? Like it?

On Fri, 10 Jan 2020 11:30:42 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>Terry Coombs wrote:
>> Â That depends on the roast , the grind , and how much coffee grounds
>> you use . My little 5 cup Mr C ADCM makes a great cup of coffee . Fresh
>> ground medium fine grind blend of 2 8 O'clock varieties makes coffee
>> with a rich full flavor and not bitter at all . It doesn't stay in the
>> pot long enough to get nasty ...

>I also use the 5 cup MrCoffee adcm. Actually called 4 cup but
>I fill mine right to the brim so it makes 5. Their definition
>of a "cup" is laughable though...5 ounces??? What a baby cup
>of coffee that is.
>Anyway, I get two full mugs of coffee from a full pot.
>I use 5 TBS of grounds in the filter. I try various kinds
>but it's all about the same. Mainly, I'm addicted to a cup
>first thing in the morning. That's all I drink anymore.
>There was a time when I ground my own beans right before
>brewing. Didn't like that. First thing in the morning, I
>just want a cup immediately. So I ground them the evening
>before so I could just turn on machine in the morning.
>Finally tried buying pre-ground coffee and it tasted just
>as good to me. That's when I turned my coffee grinder into
>a grinder for dry ferret food to make their warm gravy
>meals. All of us were happy here.
>For many years in the past, I eventually get tired of
>brewed coffee and will switch to instant for a bit.
>Maxwell House instant is on my grocery list for this morning.
>It's a nice difference for a while.
>Especially good since I only drink one cup or less each
>day. Many years ago, I drank the stuff all day long.

Then drink the best Jolt Java, BUSTello, brewed with a Morenita.
No other method comes close: 8727&sr=8-1