On 1/11/20 3:45 PM, cshenk wrote:
> cshenk wrote:
>> Daniel wrote:
>>> On 1/8/20 6:23 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>> Daniel wrote:
>>>>> On 1/5/20 1:10 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>>>>> Seems like a heck of a lot of work to re-create a frozen
>>>>>>> product. Why all the liquid? You're making veggie tots,
>>>>>>> not broccoli with cheese sauce.
>>>>>>> Jill
>>>>>> It's always easier to get pre-made but not as much fun and not
>>>>>> as healthy overall if you like to skip all the preservatives.
>>>>> Exactly
>>>>>> The liquid is not that out of balance when you look closely at
>>>>>> the flour amounts. I'd have replaced the coconut and almond
>>>>>> flours with a straight up white though.
>>>>> So you suggest keeping my cream amount to a cup? I always
>>>>> consider it a 1:1 ratio when making cheese sauce. I suggested
>>>>> the alternative flour to cut the carbs. Not for me but for my
>>>>> honey.
>>>>>> Ingredients
>>>>>> 2 broccoli crowns
>>>>>> 1 cup mild cheddar, shredded
>>>>>> 1 cup heavy whipping cream
>>>>>> 2 tbsp onion powder
>>>>>> 2 egg yolks
>>>>>> 1/2 cup corn meal
>>>>>> 1/2 cup coconut flour
>>>>>> 1/3 cup almond flour
>>>>>> 1 tsp garlic powder
>>>>>> 1 tsp seasoned salt
>>>>>> 1 tbsp white pepper
>>>> Yes, but I was mentally replacing the other flours with white
>>>> flour there to get that balance. At the worst, you will use less
>>>> of the cheese sauce then (save for something else).
>>>> Keep in mind '2 broccoli crowns' isn't all that spcefic to how
>>>> much you have there to work with.
>>> I mentioned crowns but I meant the whole stalk, my mistake. I
>>> particularly like the stems especially with the skin peeled off.
>>> WHen I make steamed brocolli, I made medallions out of the stems
>>> and they go into my lasagna if that's the main course.
>> Ah, no problem at all! I'd likely be using Chinese Broccoli if I made
>> this and no need to peel stems there. It's not that it's a better
>> veggie in this application, just one that works overall better for my
>> uses so would be what I'd have handy. Tastes the same but it's pretty
>> much tender leaves and stems.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gai_lan
>> It doesn't taste like full on Kale at all, unless maybe growing your
>> own and eating just the leaves after it's bolted.
>>> Saturday afternoon will be my first run on the recipe with less
>>> flour. I will post the test recipe and upload images of the result.
>>> I have sharp cheddar and don't feel like buying mild just for this.
>> I'll be happy to see it!
>> Don's napping now but when he gets up, we are going to have some fun
>> in the kitchen, trying to make our first Lobster Bisque. Not a
>> complex recipe. Just something fun to do in the kitchen.
> Plans shifted here as a friend needed a hand. I'd made some pizza
> dough so we used that with a can of Rotel and slices of colby with
> mushrooms (not sure of name of them, not button, shiitake, or
> Portabella, might be fresh cloud ear?)
I spent saturday at my hangar pulling everything apart on the plane in
preparation for annual inspection and certification.
I don't remember being so dirty since my days playing in the mud after
rainy days in a sandbox.
Nothing was cooked, and my sinus infection escalated to include a throat
infection so, yes, I went to the VA this morning after an evening of
violent coughing and spitting. Got my antibiotics.
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