Plant-based meat
On 2020-01-14 9:55 a.m., Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-01-13 5:46 p.m., Je�us wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 15:44:36 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>> But I think there's far too many 'artisan' and 'craft
>>>> breweries these days. Seem as though almost anyone can start a craft
>>>> brewery and think they have some sort ofÂ* unique take on beer. I guess
>>>> give it another decade and with luck only the real deals will still be
>>>> in business.
>>> only to be bought out by Molson-Coors:-)
>> Yes... then it goes to the opposite extreme and they get taken over by
>> the horrible big breweries.
> One of the major brewers started making Carlsburg beer under licence. It
> was not bad. When I went to Europe with my brothers we tried the local
> beers wherever we wear. The Carlsburg in Denmark was a special
> favourite. I tried the local Carlsburg when we got back.Â* It was nothing
> like the real thing.
> Creemore Springs started off in a small town started off in the small
> town of Creemore, near Collingwood. They were making great beers. It was
> bought out by Molsons and is now part of Molson Coors.
About 40 years ago, Molson or Labatt started to brew Löwenbrau under
licence. However, they had a big advertising campaign which announced
that they were modifying the recipe to suit Canadian tastes. I kid you
On the plane to Canada when I immigrated, I thought it proper to try a
real Canadian beer. They gave me a can of Labatt's Blue. It tasted awful
to me and I haven't had one since. In the hotel bar a few days later, I
saw a sign for Carlsberg and thought that, no matter the expense, I'd
order one, not knowing it was brewed in Calgary. Still, it was way
better than the Blue.