On 1/15/2020 10:57 AM, Patrick Dennis wrote:
> Gary submitted this idea :
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>> https://i.postimg.cc/x8nbZgZ0/Sharing-foods.jpg
>>>>> I'd be embarrassed to share that with anybody.
>>> Not the cookies, numbnuts.* The fried chicken.
>> What's wrong with the chicken, Cindy? Did you look it up?
>> Probably better tasting than any you make, or me, or
>> anyone else here.
>>> What's that filth on the table in the foreground?
>> What filth? That little black spot?* lol
> This is how Cindy spends her work
> day, critiquing Kuthe in RFC.
> Nice work if you can get it.
I used to post from work too. Yes, it is nice work if you can get it
and I was well paid doing it. Played Free Cell too.