Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> songbird wrote:
>> like i'm going to go out and buy a lot of spices i don't already
>> have
> I don't get that. You're passing on the opportunity to discover
> delicious new foods just because you don't already have some spices?
i don't cook that often for just myself so almost
all new spices i've bought in the last 20yrs i still
have (and they may not be all that good any more).
it just makes no sense for me to buy them or to try
new things until i'm back on my own again.
i've had nutmeg on the shopping list for about
four months now and yet we never get it. i want
some decent rice pudding sometime this winter so
we'll get it eventually...
> For example, fenugreek leaves. Once I tried them, I knew what had
> been missing in my curries all those years.
i'll remember to give them a try sometime but i
have no idea when.
> Plus, I rarely see anybody on TV using ingredients that I don't already
> have, or have used (if they're perishable).
i store everything in glass jars so i hope the spices
are still good when i need them again, but if i'm going
to be doing something new i'll probably just use the
health food store and small portion cups for the little
bit i would need.