On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 13:17:46 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:
>On Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:29:43 PM UTC-6, Sheldon wrote:
>> This morning I placed my pee soup into freezer containers, got
>> fourteen 16 oz Dee-Lish containers stacked in the basement freezer.
>> Tonight's din-din we will share a pan fried 1.5 pound top round steak
>> with steamed broccoli crowns, and maybe with some white rice... right
>> now we are pee souped out from last night.
>Well, I got on the ball when I got up this morning and made a large
>batch of albacore tuna salad. It's portioned out for two of my
>neighbors and myself. Early evening I will deliver.
>> We really enjoy
>> pee soup. Next will be a vat filled with Beef, Barley, 'Shroom.
>> During summer I'll prepare a vat of veggie soup from the garden.
>I'm just not a fan of pea soup and not a fan of green peas. When I
>was a child I simply loved them but now I just can't stomach them.
>Maybe next week I'll make a large pot of vegetable beef soup, but
>that's next week so no plans in stone at this writing.
Pee soup is best made with a meaty ham bone, We especially like home
grown pees fresh picked, they need no cooking, and sugar snap pees are
to die for, easy peesy to grow, and require no cooking.
*Terrible and very sad news, our favorate Vet suddenly died, massive
coronary... only in his early 50s... what an awful loss.
Dr. Perkins wil be missed by many. he cared for small pets and large
farm critters, he was our Dr. Pol:
Tomorrow is Jilly's check up appointment, she will meet Dr. Rocco.