On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 12:27:44 +1100, Bruce >
>On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:25:06 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:
>>On Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 7:09:05 PM UTC-6, Sheldon wrote:
>>> *Terrible and very sad news, our favorate Vet suddenly died, massive
>>> coronary... only in his early 50s... what an awful loss.
>>> Dr. Perkins wil be missed by many. he cared for small pets and large
>>> farm critters, he was our Dr. Pol:
>>> http://www.newbaltimoreanimalhosp.co.../veterinarians
>>> Tomorrow is Jilly's check up appointment, she will meet Dr. Rocco.
>>Oh wow! Sounds like he should have been visiting a vet for humans! Terribly
>>young to die of a massive heart attack.
>In these cases, I always wonder if a routine checkup of blood pressure
>and cholesterol would have seen this coming and prevented it. Or
>whether this can sneak up without any warning.
No one is immune to dying... It's just a shame when a very valuable
person to the community has to go too early... would have been far
better a douchebag politician... I'd never mourn Nancy Poltergiest.